
Reed Valve Plants

Reed valve systems are crucial components for the reliable function of air-conditioner compressors in passenger cars and Domestic Refrigerators. They must open and close flawlessly without maintenance over many years.


Stamping is the process of placing flat sheet metal in either blank or coil form into a stamping press where a tool and die surface forms the metal into a net shape.

  • Tonnage range – 25T-250T.
  • Critical bending (Flat length) operation on hydraulic press within 20 microns.
  • Reed Thickness ranging from 0.152mm to 2 mm.
  • We achieve total volume production of 10 million parts per month.
  • Precisely defined structural characteristics of the parts
  • Processing of complex shapes and geometries.


Tumbling is the process of placing flat sheet metal in either blank or coil form into a stamping press where a tool and die surface forms the metal into a net shape.

  • Tumbling is a finishing process that is used to clean, deburr, and slightly smooth smaller parts.
  • Deburring is a secondary operation of a machining process that enhances the final quality of the product by removing Burrs.
  • Edge Radius
  • Reed – 10 micron to 200 micron
  • Retainer – 300 to 500 micron
  • Surface roughness-
  • REED – Rz 0.6 to 1.5
  • Retainer- Ra 0.1 to o.250

Cleaning and Drying:

Cleaning and drying is the process of placing flat sheet metal in either blank or coil form into a stamping press where a tool and die surface forms the metal into a net shape.

  • The corn cob tumbling media are drying agent where they absorb the water from wet parts in the vibratory dryer.
  • Its soft nature ensures no damage to metal and plastic parts.
  • In vibratory drier, corn cob not only removes moisture from the parts but also removes oil and dirt on parts.